Be Well with Crossover Health
“Not sick” is not good enough. Be Well is a movement to get the most we want out of life. In each of our episodes, we pick a health or lifestyle topic, bring in one of our experts, and have a real conversation. Join us. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn @crossoverhealth.
Be Well with Crossover Health
Don’t Wait to Manage Your Weight - Part 2 of 4 (with Cratissa Schley, PsyD)
January 19, 2022
Crossover Health
Season 1
Episode 27
Managing weight can be overwhelming for most people, but it may be even more so for those suffering from anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.
As part of our four part series, Crossover Psychologist Cratissa Schley explains how many individuals who are struggling with mental wellness are prone to weight gain due to certain medications, the sedentary effects of depression, and turning to food for comfort. Cratissa also shares her own experience with postpartum depression and how the support she received was successful.
Stick to the end to hear Dr. Cratissa has been tuning into (hmmm….psychological thrillers?), her seasonal guilty pleasure (who doesn’t have one?), and the life hack that keeps her hydrated.
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