Be Well with Crossover Health

Treating Your Pain, Opioid-Free (with Dr. Akbar Zikria)

November 17, 2021 Season 1 Episode 22

Overdoses from synthetic opioids have sharply increased since the start of the pandemic. Crossover Physician Lead, Dr. Akbar Zikria, joins Dan to discuss effective and safe lifestyle medicine and pain management alternatives.

While Akbar and his care team approach pain management from multiple angles–health coaching, mental health, and physical medicine—he also focuses on key lifestyle components for recovery and long term health—whole food, mindfulness, sleep, and movement. Personally, this approach has helped him recover faster as an athlete than he used to 15-20 years ago. He applies this experience and success to patients who see him for the pain they are in. Akbar shares how he can get to the root cause of the pain (injury, sports, stress, environment) and design a holistic treatment plan.

Stick to the end to hear Akbar’s favorite podcasts (grab a pen and take notes!), his vegan guilty pleasure, and his early morning healthy habit.


  • Why We Sleep - Matthew Walker, PhD
  • How to Make Disease Disappear by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, MD
  • How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger, MD
  • Eat to Beat Disease by Dr. William Li, MD
  • Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI
  • The ​​Alzheimer’s Solution by Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD

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